msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WP FullCalendar v0.6\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-19 13:17:28+0000\n" "Last-Translator: admin \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Afrikaans\n" "X-Poedit-Country: SOUTH AFRICA\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_c,_nc:4c,1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;_nx_noop:4c,1,2;\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../../\n" "X-Poedit-Bookmarks: \n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Textdomain-Support: yes" #: wp-fullcalendar.php:307 #@ wpfc msgid "Settings" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:62 #, php-format #@ wpfc msgid "To use this plugin, simply use the %s shortcode in one of your posts or pages." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:63 #, php-format #@ wpfc msgid "You can also do this with PHP and this snippet : %s." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:66 #@ wpfc msgid "Post Types" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:67 #@ wpfc msgid "By default, your calendar will show the types of posts based on settings below." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:69 #, php-format #@ wpfc msgid "You can override these settings by choosing your post type in your shortode like this %s." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:70 #, php-format #@ wpfc msgid "You can override taxonomy search settings as well like this %s." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:71 #@ wpfc msgid "In both cases, the values you should use are in (parenteses) below." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:86 #@ wpfc msgid "Choose which taxonomies you want to see listed as search options on the calendar." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:109 #@ wpfc msgid "Calendar Options" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:113 #@ wpfc msgid "Events limit" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:113 #@ wpfc msgid "Enter the maximum number of events to show per day, which will then be preceded by a link to the calendar day page." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:114 #@ wpfc msgid "View events link" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:114 #@ wpfc msgid "When the limit of events is shown for one day, this text will be used for the link to the calendar day page." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:117 #@ wpfc msgid "jQuery UI Themeroller" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:118 #, php-format #@ wpfc msgid "You can select from a set of pre-made CSS themes, which are taken from the jQuery Theme Roller gallery. If you roll your own theme, upload the CSS file and images folder to wp-content/yourtheme/plugins/wp-fullcalendar/ and refresh this page, it should appear an option in the pull down menu below." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:135 #@ wpfc msgid "jQuery CSS Theme?" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:138 #@ wpfc msgid "No Theme" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:139 #@ wpfc msgid "Built-In" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:145 #@ wpfc msgid "Custom" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:152 #@ wpfc msgid "You can use the jQuery UI CSS framework to style the calendar, and choose from a set of themes below." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:156 #@ wpfc msgid "Toolips" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:157 #@ wpfc msgid "You can use jQuery qTips to show excerpts of your events within a tooltip when hovering over a specific event on the calendar. You can control the content shown, positioning and style of the tool tips below." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:160 #@ wpfc msgid "Enable event tooltips?" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:165 #@ wpfc msgid "Tooltip style" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:165 #@ wpfc msgid "You can choose from one of these preset styles for your tooltip." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:166 #@ wpfc msgid "Rounded tooltips?" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:166 #@ wpfc msgid "If your chosen tooltip style doesn't already do/prevent this, you can add rounded corners using CSS3." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:167 #@ wpfc msgid "Add shadow to tooltips?" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:167 #@ wpfc msgid "If your chosen tooltip style doesn't already do/prevent this, you can add a CSS3 drop-shadow effect to your tooltip." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:172 #@ wpfc msgid "Tooltip pointer position" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:172 #@ wpfc msgid "Choose where the pointer will be situated on your tooltip." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:173 #@ wpfc msgid "Tooltip bubble position" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:173 #@ wpfc msgid "Choose where your tooltip will be situated relative to the event link which triggers the tooltip." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:174 #@ wpfc msgid "Enable featured image?" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:174 #@ wpfc msgid "If your post has a featured image, it will be included as a thumbnail." msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:177 #@ wpfc msgid "Featured image size" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:179 #@ wpfc msgid "Width" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:180 #@ wpfc msgid "Height" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:185 #@ wpfc msgid "Submit Changes" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:264 #@ dbem msgid "No" msgstr "" #: wpfc-admin.php:264 #@ dbem msgid "Yes" msgstr "" #: wpfc-events-manager.php:54 #, php-format #@ dbem msgid "If you choose the Event post type whilst Events Manager is activated, you can also visit the Events Manager settings page for a few more options when displaying event information on your calendar." msgstr "" #: wpfc-events-manager.php:322 #@ dbem msgid "Click to toggle" msgstr "" #: wpfc-events-manager.php:322 #@ dbem msgid "Full Calendar Options" msgstr "" #: wpfc-events-manager.php:324 #, php-format #@ dbem msgid "Looking for the rest of the FullCalendar Options? They've moved here, the options below are for overriding specific bits relevant to Events Manager." msgstr "" #: wpfc-events-manager.php:328 #@ dbem msgid "Override calendar on events page?" msgstr "" #: wpfc-events-manager.php:328 #@ dbem msgid "If set to yes, the FullCalendar will be used instead of the standard calendar on the events page." msgstr "" #: wpfc-events-manager.php:329 #@ dbem msgid "Override calendar shortcode?" msgstr "" #: wpfc-events-manager.php:329 #@ dbem msgid "Overrides the default calendar shortcode. You can also use [events_fullcalendar] instead." msgstr "" #: wpfc-events-manager.php:330 #@ wpfc msgid "Event title format" msgstr "" #: wpfc-events-manager.php:330 #@ wpfc msgid "HTML is not accepted." msgstr "" #: wpfc-events-manager.php:331 #@ wpfc msgid "Event tooltips format" msgstr "" #: wpfc-events-manager.php:331 #@ wpfc msgid "If you enable tips, this information will be shwon, which can include HTML." msgstr ""